ENGINE DESIGN IN 1909 I At this time of the year we used to survey design trends. Now we no longer report annual progress. Instead, we present some remarks by…
There was a record entry for this year’s elleran car run of 163, -of whielt 15 nonstarted, including the 1003 mi Odell your Editor had lioped to ride In a big crush of spectators’ trunk
I he reinaining 148 Tire-1905 ears uumitfrIutuuts the historic joarney, in heavy rain at first, later giving way to sunshine. it says.a great acal for (hills that %ally nyu. aetualty r,ilred, and that otity failed to eherk mi
hunt’s 36. li.p, I ietiz broke a front whet■I. I :ov-Ihtes• It r■I Mos, With his (.:reattli■Obile netv*iitated giving in, awl Lord Nitwit:04u of Ikunilleia hail to plum tilt 1002 di! I)ion on it traitor bet:wise of ignition i rouble, Tin) eittlinrellt.r of Wiliton’s Star had to he diWinantkil and be failed to do lin) run within Iii, 71 noun, ‘Vanvieli’Ade I non broke it valve ;Ind Johns’ de 18i,mu had gearbox trouble al .Ntafor liarvny’s (lenient stripped its utmiujuig wiwe.N. Ti10,4 who were untortanan, time woo): Run utt:n Kord (itenro, Crosrmin it t■!ergrstOreittinabilef. 1,ord Mi mu falai ot medico nte Dion), Major Itarvvy (Clement). : 1:0o,ley Mat), .101ae. nle Dion), Cony Mitt:Alan! (I’lluenix ‘Primo), Itinigtion (intrilie•r Sorpollet), tVltcu.uu 151st),