Information wanted
Sir, I am writing a book on the delivery, in 1907-8, of a Wolseley car by Messrs. Bede J. F. Bentley and Reginald G. Wells to the Emperor of Ethiopia.…
Srfaui Fuom Tit6 SPOUTS’ CAR.” by ” (;alculus.” (The Motor World flub. Co., Lid., 73, Dunlop SirM, Glasgow.. C.1, 190 pp., 7.5. So loony moyon Seoulreaders ask whether any books have liven published UtaMLI timiag ears for speed that this little work. width is at produced, should have a ready sale. As a
stepping stone between the I tow an engine works” printer and practical experience in the amateur worksliop il, is no &add going to till a long-felt want. Ilut unfortunately it leaves out much Bud the young sports-car owner, searching for speed, wants to know. Many hints are given. but the reader is frequently left in Hie air so far as pract kill ;implication is concerned, Event to those who are not engineers maoy of t he statements seem obvious, but just how to time a carburetter, balance a wIteel or a crankshaft, just what plugs and oils to use and so on aren’t. properly covered. Moreover, the thassis is not mentioned ; lists of the various ranges of different makes of shock-atr:others, brake-lining’s. tyres. etc., might well have !wen inehided. Curiously, too, the dust. jacket depicts art out-and-out racing car although book is at Spark ears. The vordtel must be ” not impressed.–X