The use of some sort of anti-freeze mixture during the winter is essential if the irritating business of draining, the radiator at night is to be avoided. But these mixtures can sometimes have a most damaging effect on thermostats and
joints, Unless it is definitely non-corrosive. Such a mixture has been produced by the well-known accessory firm, Messrs. S. Smith & Sons, of Cricklewood, and is known as ” Bluecol.” This remarkable liquid is non-tacky, and flows just as
freely as the water itself. Its is noncorrosive, does not damage anything, and lasts a whole winter. It is coloured blue to remind people not to drain it off. ” Bluecol ” is sold in three sizes, No. 1 9s., No. 2 17s. 6d., and No. 3 32s. 6d.