VISIT OF THE PATRON" AND M. JEAN BUGATTI. THE annual dinner of the Bugatti Owners' Club, which was held at Grosvenor House on December 16th, was a tremendous success and…
For the driver of a Sports Car to present a draggled appearance is unthinkable—an insult to the car. He must be “in the picture “—smart, slick and efficient as the car itself at every stage of the journey. A problem, this, to the man who doesn’t use u-bist—and there are still a few about ! If you are one of these unfortunates,
hie you to the nearest emporium and invest in a bottle of this new and better fixative. Then your hair will always be in place and your appearance in keeping with the ‘sportiest car on the road.’
KU-BIST FIXATIVE, price II-, 1/9 and 2/g Per bottle, Plain or Rasola (for dry scalps). KUBIST SHAMPOOS, 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 per bottle. KU-BIST SOLID BRILLIANTINE 1/3 per tin. KU-BIST — LEEDS — LONDON — PARIS