CURRENT CHAT. Sporting Gossip from all Parts of the World.


Sporting Gossip from all Parts of the World. By “ACCELERATOR.”

INOTE that some interesting proposals are to be laid before the Association Internationale des Automobile Club Reconnus, with the object of arrangement for motor car records to be distinguished in the same way as those on motor cycles. That is to say, in accordance with the engine size. At the present time world’s records for cars are wanted irrespective of engine capacity. Tentative proposals for qualifications dividing cars up according to the following figures :—The smallest class up to 750 c.c., next comes 750 c.c. to 1,100 c.c., then from I,Ioo c.c. to 1,500 c.c., from 1,500 c.c. to 2,000 C.C.-2,000 C.C. to 3,000 C.C.-3,000 C.C. to 5,000 C.C., 5,000 C.C. to 8,000 c.c. and over 8,000 c.c.

It is interesting to note that a Triumph rider was able to secure the most points in the Amateur Class in the motor cycle endurance test organised this year by the Toronto Motor Cycle Club. The team prize fell to Harley-Davidson competitors, whilst amongst individual trade riders Henderson’s did best. The course covered 386 miles, the start being made from Toronto and running to London (Ontario) and back ; then again from Toronto to Coburg and back. It was intended that there should be 10 secret controls and 7 official check stations. Unfortunately the official at one of the checks fell asleep, so that in actual fact there were only nine. The results were as follows :—B. Byles, C. Millet and W. Ward, all on Hendersons, tied for first place with 998 marks each. E. Anderson and B. Kennedy, both on Harley-Davidsons, obtained 996 marks, H. Aldice, also on a Harley-Davidson, obtained 995 marks, as did C. Moore on a Triumph.

It has apparently now been definitely decided that the venue of the Grand Prix next year shall include the new racing track at Montlher3r. One of the straight sides of the track will be produced for four kilometres in a line, and the course then follows a semi-circular turn and returns to the track over a very zig-zag route, including two very sharp hairpin bends. Provision is being made by the authorities for additional stand accommodation for the very large crowds of spectators which invariably attend these French motor sporting affairs.

A sporting event of unusual and special type was exemplified in the performance of a Capt. Bertrand, who, stationed in Kabul, desired to get to Teheran. In the ordinary course of events this is a, three months journey by camel, or using camel, rail and steamer, two months. Capt. Bertrand did the journey by Citroen-Kegresse car covering 1,500 miles of difficult and dangerous country in less than a month. Only the one car was used throughout the journey and we understand that the Captain was only accompanied by one mechanic. The 1,000 mile Stock Machine Trial this year is to start from Birmingham and will finish in the Scarborough area,

In connection with the T.T. Races, which of course will again take place in the Isle of Man as the prospect of the Bill legalising road racing in England being passed in time is too remote for consideration, will provide an interesting innovation in the special trophy which is to be awarded for motor cycle combinations in the 350 c.c. class.

As indicating the very Vs:ride interest which is now taken in motor sport matters of all kinds, it may be mentioned that there are proposals afoot for the construction of two motor racing tracks, one at Cardiff, where the Corporation have acquired 100 acres of land close to the boundary which, we understand, would be suitable for such a track, and another at Skegness.

Arising out of the calendar of sporting events for 1925 which are published on another page, it is interesting to note that the A.C.U. propose to hold a competition to decide which is the champion motor cycling district of Britain. This will be run off in conjunction with the International Six Days”frial. The eighteen chief Centres into which the country is divided for trial purposes will each be asked to select a team for the events. The winning team will be awarded a trophy. As the professional riders will be fully engaged with the International Competition, it follows that these subsidiary events will be contested mainly amongst amateurs. London and Yorkshire will be, I imagine, first favourites.

The Automobile Club of Italy has formulated a scheme to enable the world’s championship of motor racing to be decided each year. Points are to be awarded, one to the winner of the race, two to the second man in, and three to the third. The maker of the car which has secured the minimum number of points will be claimed the champion. The Club proposes to award a sum equivalent to 50,000 francs and the trophy to the maker of the world’s champion car, while the driver will receive the equivalent of 20,000 francs in cash.

A six-cylinder Chrysler touring car taken from stock and driven by Ralph de Palma recently, covered i,000 miles in 1,007 minutes, the total time including stops for fuel oil, tyre changes and meals. The nett running time was 875 m. 10 s., which is equivalent to an average speed of 68.38 m.p.h. * * A Cubitt car was also entered for a somewhat similar test by Lieut.-Col. John S. Napier, O.B.E. In this

case, however, no provision was made for determining the fuel, oil or water consumption. The distance covered was 108.7 miles. On the first test run a new coil had to be fitted owing to the car having stopped in a flooded area, the water putting the coil out of action. No accidents were recorded on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days, while on the 5th day the only adjustment was the replacement of the speedometer belt. The car was not a new one : according to the report the condition was most satisfactory at the end of the trial, slight play in the front steering joint being all that called for comment.

A 12-h.p. A.C. car was recently entered by Mr. S. F. Edge for a special trial at the hands of the Royal Irish Automobile Club. The object of the trial was to demonstrate the all-round reliability, brake efficiency, petrol, oil and water consumption, and also the general condition of the car at the conclusion of the trial. The total distance covered was 1,044.58 miles, the petrol consumption was 27.31 m.p.g. (38.24 ton miles per gallon), the water used 61 pints, and oil used f gallon. On three days out of the five which were occupied in the test non-stop runs were made during the other two. A dynamo belt coming off the near-side wheel was tightened. At the conclusion of the test, both front wings were loose but otherwise the car was in excellent condition. The only adverse criticism was to the effect that the under shield was not adequate for the state of the roads as mud and water found their way into the interior of the bonnet. The following dates have leen selected for the outstanding motor sporting events of 1925 :—Grand Prix

of Indianapolis, May 30th. Grand Prix of Europe, July 5th. Grand Prix of France, July 26th. Grand Prix de Tourisme of France, July i9th. Grand Prix of Italy, September 6th. Grand Prix of San Sebastian, September 15th, and Grand Prix de Tourisme of San Sebastian, September r4th. It is expected that the Grand Prix of Europe will be held in Belgium on the Francorchamps circuit near Spa, while the French Grand Prix will, as is reported elsewhere, be run over a special course which will embody a portion of the new track at Montlhery.

At the B.M.C.R.C. dinner it transpired that over 97 per cent, of the world’s records were held by members of the Club. It was also reported that a wonderful response has been received to the appeal for -trophies for 1925 events. These include the following :—

Mr. J. A. Prestwich, through his son, offers three cups for the best aggregate performances of 350 c.c., 500 c.c., and 1,000 c.c. machines respectively, ridden by private owners; and other offers of cups or prizes were made by the following :—Messrs. G. E. Tottey (Z10 ios.), C. Hughes, G. Buckley (Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.), J. Linton, C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd., C. P. Temple, The Proprietors of The Motor Cycle, T. Harris, — Bales (Messrs. Dobson & Sons), E. J. Anderson, L. Cade, F. A. Longman, L. G. Pearce, Quintin Nicol (on behalf of the Northern Clubs), H. R. Harveyson, R. N. Judd, West Kent M.C.C., R. G. Spikins, Graham Walker (a cup for private owners), R. A. Mallet and J. E. G. Harwood (an aggregate cup for the best performance of a member of the Universities of either Oxford or Cambridge), C. G. Pullin (415 155. cup for a five lap 500 C.C. race), and R. M. N. Spring (a cup value 21).