Illogical Insuran


With reference to Mr. V. J. M. Harris’ letter in this month’s Motor Sport SPORT, I too have experienced the strange logic insurance companies. I was considering buying a Fiat X1/9 and received a quotatio of £85 fully comp. for myself and spout with 50% n.c.b. aged 24. Being impetuous I could not wait for a new X1/9 and so purchased a secondhand Alfa 2000 Spider. On making enquiries for insurance I found that no companies actually refused to quote but many quoted astronomical figures that only a fool would accept. I finally accepted a quotation of around £140 and the silliest quote was £97 for three months, yes that’s £387 for the full year.

It seems that as far as insurance is concerned it really is absolutely necessary to “shop around”.

Worksop, Stephen Ward

PS: I am glad there is a waiting list for the Fiat otherwise I would not have bought the fabulous Alfa.