
I observe, with some joy I must confess, that the products of one of our larger groups of manufacturers are to be denied to you for road test.

After producing one decent car, this concern is rapidly returning to the shameless mediocrity from which it was lifted by a gifted engineer who has, I believe, gone where his talents are better appreciated.

Surely no range of cars produced by any combine at the present time is of less interest to the sporting motorist than the products of this group — the “boy’s racer” that “brings tears to the eyes of strong men,” or whatever the blurb says, not excepted.

I trust we will also be spared road tests of this concern’s associate — which is a pity, for the slowest 140-m.p.h. production car in the world is a very fine touring car (though not a sports car) in spite of several ghastly defects — which I am sure were not envisaged by its designer and are an unfortunate legacy from the other (entirely loathsome) vehicles produced (one cannot say built) by this firm.

In short, sir, let its rejoice that valuable space which might be wasted by reports of the misbehaviour of these machines can be used for higher purposes — perchance even for road tests of sports cars.

I am, Yours, etc.,
P. H.