The Same, Only Different
The weather did its best to destroy both the French Grand Prix at Magny-Cours on July 5 and the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on July 12 but it failed…
The Hants & Berks M.C, Great Auclum Speed Hill-Climb, over a most interesting course with downhill start and steeply banked first bend, will take place again on August 8th, commencing at 2.30 p.m. The venue is easily reached from Reading. * * *
On the same day the Nottingham S.C.C. will hold its Silverstone Meeting for sports, racing, vintage and 750 and 1,172 Formula cars, over distances up to 15 laps. There are two races for Formula III cars. The meeting will start soon after noon. * * *
The Sunbeam M.C.C. have again selected Bert Raven’s cafe at Newlands Corner, near Guildford, as the venue for their annual Veteran and Vintage Rally—to be held on Sunday, September 6th. Open to all cars and motor-cycles manufactured not later than 1930, the event combines a general ” convergence ” in the morning, from all parts of the country (with marks for mileage), together with two laps of a 15-mile circuit in the afternoon. Regulations are available from : R. A. Little, ” Les Cotils,” Holdfast Lane, Hastemere Surrey.