CLUB AFFAIRS, August 1950


Butlin’s I foliday Camps, in conjunction with t he East. Anglian MX., are organising a rally to Clitetow on September 29th and 30th. Thu starting points tire Linuton and Manchester. Competitors will have to do a S:.g. 1-utile sprint at night up a hood-hi course at Skeguiess, followed by figure–of-eight, the course depicted by lamps, and a combination of British and Continental rally is the aith. There will be free entertaininent for drivers and their

wives, sisters, girl-friends, popsies, and wilat_have_yoit over the week.erid. first prize is the 1(10-gallica Itutlin’s Challenge Trophy and there are numerous other prizes for all kinds of performances. The Itt. I Ion. It. A. Ittalt7r, M.P., will present tlwto. Entry fee is 25s, per car, with a Concours d’Elegance (best pre-war and post-war ears) at 5s_ per entry. Entries to lloy tlarkson, ” The Chase,” thtistead. Essex-, Iiy August 31st,

Competition Secretary of the Crintleigh ;Old Distriet M.C. uiiti C.C. is Mr. .1. ihurtc:l’tet’, 1 last ie Cottage, Crattleigh, Surrey. * * * *

On August Bank Ilididay the N.L.E.C.C., in collaboration with the Berkhainsted M.C. :Lod C.C., is organising a speed trial for racing, sports and slandurd productitm ears at l’ewin Witter. near NVelwyn. Herts.

It svilh hg. tu Clutied lovitation event.. .‘r, I ,mvil aim) Meeting will be ffeiff at, Cranston Aerodronw, near Ret ford, N10.tinghantshire, on August Bank Holiday, organised by the Nutt inghant Sports Car Club. The invited clubs are as

tfilli/lVti : Car Chill, Leicestershire Car Club. Sttolue, Peterborough Motor Club. Midland Motor Enthusiasts’ Club, Sheffield and Ilallattishire. Once again this p.m., the Veteran Nlotor Car Club of America sponsored an Antique Auto MUM’. It was held during April at the First Corps Cadet ATIROUry alBoshill: realy beautiful catalogue was issued, with coloured cover, notes on historie New England tudomobile manufacturers, on early AllleriCan racing and on the exhibit ,s thellatiely

The re-formed Itridlingil munu & Distriet NIX.. with licensed headquarters at the Sl. Leonard’s Hotel, York Itoad. Bridlington. announce their affiliat ion with the [LAX.