There is a green Gil far away...
Green he may be in terms of his F3000 experience, but you'd never have guessed as much from Gil de Ferran's performance in the second round of the European F3000…
It’s a long time now
getting ,a bit out of date if it was three years old. Perhaps in those days we were a bit under the spell of mere fashions. The truth is that (to paraphrase a well-known remark) a car is as old as it runs . • . So that if you’re looking for a car in the second-hand lists don’t be swayed too much by a rather early “date of birth”. Many an old-timer, in the hands of a motorist who knows the inside of the matter, can be as
trim and sweetly-running a job as the latest model. And a lot cheaper to buy Of course, you’ve got to buy with discretion — that is, from a dealer who not only knows all about the car he’s selling, but will tell you what he knows. In our modest way, we suggest that a good dealer of this kind to try would be Blakes. 110 BOLD STREET. LIVERPOOL 1. Ayr t12