WORM DRIVE CLIPS. Known as the " Jubilee" Worm Drive Clip, a new form of water pipe connection clip has been marketed by Engineer Lieut. I,. Robinson, R.N., and possesses…
It’s a long time now
getting ,a bit out of date if it was three years old. Perhaps in those days we were a bit under the spell of mere fashions. The truth is that (to paraphrase a well-known remark) a car is as old as it runs . • . So that if you’re looking for a car in the second-hand lists don’t be swayed too much by a rather early “date of birth”. Many an old-timer, in the hands of a motorist who knows the inside of the matter, can be as
trim and sweetly-running a job as the latest model. And a lot cheaper to buy Of course, you’ve got to buy with discretion — that is, from a dealer who not only knows all about the car he’s selling, but will tell you what he knows. In our modest way, we suggest that a good dealer of this kind to try would be Blakes. 110 BOLD STREET. LIVERPOOL 1. Ayr t12