Indianapolis 1972
The state of the art The year 1972 must be regarded as the year of the Eagle at Indianapolis, for clearly no other car had greater impact on the 2.5-mile…
We feel that MOTOR SPORT could be made much more interesting if many more photographs and mechanical drawings were included than appear in the present make-up. The Current edition seems stodgy and uninteresting by comparison with earlier issues.
We hope you will not consider that you have, collected an undeserved Naval “bottle,” as this is meant to be a constructive suggestion. We are far from unappreciative of your valiant and sustained efforts to keep us in touch with our first love. We are. Yours, vie., CunzoN R.N.V.R.). F. E. M osiin• (Lieut., R.N.V.R.). [After the war—yes ; at present the minimum of material and labour must be employed.— En.]