One giant leap
When Ford dropped a rorty competition engine into a compact family car called Escort, it created a new breed of rally winner overnight. John Davenport was there. In the summer…
Sir, I read with interest in your issue of last month on page 252 under the heading ” Searching ‘rest ” what you have thought up as .a day’s test. Without in any way wishing to belittle the performance
and merits of the Lagonda V12, there is a car that will more than fulfil all your conditions, a car which in size and cost is a mere midget in comparison with the big Lagonda, namely the Type 328 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.
This car, as reported in your very excellent paper, has lapped Brooklands at comfortably over 100 m.p.h. for one hour, in other words instead of the 3 laps you mention it did so for over ten times as long.
The same plugs were used for London traffic and track and the oil and water temperatures and consumption were quoted in your report and the fuel was ordinary pump fuel. It has been proved constantly by actual experience that an average of Over 50 m.p.h. can be easily maintained over give and take roads and the acceleration figures are, I think, the best unsupercharged ones irrespective of size obtained in the ” Autocar ” tests. Comparisons are said to be odious, but in this case they are so striking that they seem to be worthy of note, particularly when one bears in mind that in addition to the discrepancy in size. the Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. performed ” fully equipped.”
I have no connection with the trade or with Messrs. Frazer Nash other than being one of the most satisfied and enthusiastic of owners of one of their cars. Wishing MOTOR SPORT every success. I am, Yours etc.,