Precision: Catch this Drift
I first met Octavio Garcia back in 2012 when he was almost a decade into a stellar, 15-year stint as the creative head of Audemars Piguet. Much of Garcia’s recognition…
AUGUST is the month when most of us take our holidays, when the roads become more crowded every day with families touring the countryside. The most secluded and wild parts of Devon and Cornwall echo to the sound of internal combustion engines, and it is difficult to find a spot really “off the beaten track.” With this state of affairs becoming more universal, many erstwhile
motorists are turning once more to the rivers for peace and quietude, but many who would like to spend their holiday in this way are deterred from doing so because they do not actually own a suitable craft. As a very good substitute to the expensive business of keeping a launch or cruiser in condition all the year round, it is possible nowadays to charter a craft for any length of time on extraordinary cheap terms. A firm specialising in this sort of work is Sinclair & Company, of Bradshaw’s Yard, High Street, Brentford, who have all
• kinds of boats ready for holidays of any length of time. The boats are all exceedingly well equipped, and for a delightful holiday which is at the same time really cheap, a cruise on one of these craft would be hard to beat.