Rally Review - Lombard RAC Rally of Great Britain, January 1980
Statistics, it is said, can be made to prove anything, but be would be a very clever statistician indeed who could produce figures, with anything approaching accuracy, to give a…
R. RICHARD COLE, who M has for some time been .4._ responsible for the ” Sport Afloat ” section of MOTOR SPORT is engaged in the organisation of another trip to the continent by outboard dinghy, and will probably
be on his way by the time these lines appear. The full story will appear in the September issue of MOTOR SPoRT and should prove quite entertaining. In order to popularise the ” poor man’s speed boat” Mr. Cole is
going to invite any non-motorboating member of the community to go with him and see the fun. He will issue his invitation without warning in some public place and take the first person who offers to go. A novel scheme, anyway.