osT motoring world tourists up to date have selected cars with a large body space, so that they may carry vast supplies of spares, tools and so forth, but an exception is found in the case of two young Oxford graduates who are at present engaged on an ambitious trip in a 2-seater M.G. sports car. The dickey is packed with their luggage and the stan
dard manufacturers’ kit is all that they are carrying in the way of tools and spares.
At the moment they have just completed the crossing of the North American continent, whence they will embark for India. Having passed through this turbulent Empire, they will set sail for East Africa and will then drive by road to the home of one of them in South Africa.
The leader of the expedition, Mr. D. L. de Villiers, writes from Salt Lake City that, apart from a few minor defects, such as the temporary failure of the rev, counter, the car has given trouble-free service. It has been quite unaffected by altitudes of eight or nine thousand feet, and has attracted the interest of American motorists wherever it has stopped.