Action Stations?
There is evidence from the correspondence we are already receiving that our call for unity between the Motor Industry, the Motoring Organisations, the Motor Trade and ordinary hard-done-by car owners…
The Motor Cycle Endurance Test organised by ShellMex Ltd. has now been completed with the most satisfactory results. The ambitious character of this test will be realised when it is recalled that 12 standard machines were bought from stock and were ridden considerably over 2,000 miles, mostly in very bad weather, continuously for three weeks, thereby crowding into this period the same mileage normally done in 5 or 6 months. The itinerary covered all sorts and conditions of roads, including a large number of well known test lulls. The machines were also ridden periodically at high speeds on Brooklands track, 150 miles per day being covered here on four days, and timed full throttle speed burst made on twelve occasions with each machine.
There were no mechanical failures whatsoever, and when the strenuous nature of the speed work at Brooklands and the hill-climbing is considered, it will be seen that all machines came through with flying colours.
The condition of the tyres testifies to the very severe work the motor cycles have undergone during the test. Although there was no tyre trouble, a number of new covers were fitted owing to the abnormal wear and tear set up by the gruelling nature of the test.
On Wednesday, July 20th, the machines were dismantled in the presence of the A.C.U. officials, whose full report will be published later. In the meantime it is permissible to state that the carbon deposit in all the engines was unusually low, and that the condition of the engines generally was extremely satisfactory. The character of the carbon deposit was soft and moist ; it was easily scraped off, and did not necessitate chipping off, as is the case with carbon deposit formed from compounded oils.
Each motor-cycle did a timed flying half mile on Brooklands track at the commencement of the trials, and all the speeds then were equal, or in excess, of those advised by the manufacturers. At the close of the trials this test was repeated, and all the speeds originally obtained were exceeded, in one instance by 18 miles per hour.
The Shell people are naturally proud of the successful conclusion of this ambitious undertaking, and claim that it constitutes complete proof that Shell Motor Cycle Oil will give 100% efficiency in any make of motor cycle under the most arduous service it can be called upon to perform.