V-E-V Odds & Ends, March 1985
The Sunbeam MCC's 48th Pioneer Run for veteran motorcycles takes place on March 24th, from Epsom Downs to Brighton. Entries have closed. The VMCC has its Racing Section dinner and…
Shortly we hope to give a full description of the new Super-X and the latest Henderson. Recently we were very kindly lent the first model of the Super-X for the considerable period of over a week. During that time we took the opportunity of testing it in the North, finally taking it over to the Island for T.T. week. Although the machine had already received a lot of handling, and had accomplished many thousand miles, it gave us in one sense a new aspect of motor-cycling. Not entirely a sports machine, as one can judge by the photo, it will, nevertheless, keep up untiringly 50 miles an hour for mile after mile, and, as the engine does not get fatigued, neither does the rider, for, in spite of the unsporting aspect of the bars, they do give an extraordinarily comfortable position, and one in which the machine is easily controlled at all speeds. Lest the
advocate of the T.T. bar should imagine cornering was difficult in such an upright position, let it be said that we were able to take Craig-naa-Baa, and one or two other corners on the course with the right footboard bent up slightly.
The maximum speed was in the region of 58; this can only be considered very good when one considers that the top gear ratio was fitted for sidecar work, and that the machine was generally out of tune.
The balloon tyres enabled us to take the machine over freak hills composed of horse tracks in the Island, at speeds far in excess of those at which two companion English machines were able to ascend.
Those who saw the machine on the Island will recollect that one or two minor troubles were encountered, but, in spite of these, at no period was the bike unusable, the engine always responding willingly at the first revolution.
As soon as Messrs. Melchior, Armstrong & Dessau get delivery of one of the new batch of Super-X’s, we will let our readers know of its performance, and of the several improvements which will, naturally, be incorporated in the second year of a new machine.