I was interested to read of “Nanette” in the February issue. I’m always interested to read of Thomas-engined cars because of my own car, the Aston Martin “Green Pea”. From my conversations with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Morgan it would seem that it required Parry Thomas’ expertise to maintain these engines on song. With his death they never achieved quite the same performance. Which is, perhaps, one of the reasons for the modified camshaft drive in “Nanette” which I believe was carried out by a Mr. J. E. B. Little during 1962 because of “a two throw eccentric drive which has a marked tendency to drive round the wrong way”. (See “VSCC Bulletin”, No. 751962.)
In passing I’d be pleased to hear from any previous owners of “Green Pea”, particularly from whoever removed the Thomas engine (No. HT 5.) or, for that matter, from the present owner of this engine.
[We thank the many readers who have contributed to the history. of “Nanette” since our article appeared.-Ed.)