
Thank God for Motor Sport. For some time now I have been reading your lively “Matters of Moment” and on almost each occasion have been tempted to put pen to paper. Unfortunately, not much enjoying publicity, I have decided against it—until now.

On this occasion (Feb. issue) I don’t think anyone who takes any interest in his sport or who values his “freedom” can fail to respond to the idea of (for once) challenging the Government in its efforts to persecute the motorists at every available opportunity.

I think it wrong to enter into political arguments here, since Governments, Tory or Labour, have had a fair go at us from time to time and one hopes that drivers cover all creeds and sympathies. However, it would seem to me that unless some rapid action is taken, what was once a vigorous and colourful nation will be turned into a dull, grey mass of apathetic individuals each with his own box, working in the same factory, getting the same wage, sending kids to the same school and driving the same car (?) at precisely the same speed, etc., etc.

Sadly there is bound to be some apathy because I am sure that vehicle licence-holders fall into two main categories: “motorists” and “drivers” (accepting that motorcyclists would fall into the latter category) i.e.: those who use a vehicle simply to get from A to B and those who actually take an interest in how they will get from A to B and in what type of vehicle they do it, and how much pleasure they will derive in doing it. These are the ones I would class as drivers.

Surely there are enough of us with a little red blood left in our veins and sufficient vitality left to unite in taking some active measures to bring some “life” back onto the roads, into the industry, and into the sport? Particularly in getting rid of these stupid speed restrictions, and in bringing some justice into the motoring courts.

Having just received an invitation from the AA to renew my annual subscription, at what I can only describe as grossly-inflated prices, I am wondering what I get for the money. Apart from a load of rubbish being constantly pushed through my door advertising everything except a motorist’s rights— not very much!

If it means assisting the formation of some Body which will champion the “drivers” cause, then I think my AA Membership Subscription will be very well spent.

It would probably only require one rally (well organised and well within the Law) to bring about some changes in legislation. A massed rally of several million drivers at some critical time and place sitting quietly (with engines switched off) would make the Welsh farmers’ stand look like a children’s picnic!

Bolton, Lancs. A.C. Edwards