The Tourist Trophy
Leyland's shy Jaguar leaps out to make a promising debut Silverstone, September 19th That the BRDC and Silverstone were honoured with the first public racing appearance of the Leyland Cars…
At a time when the cry is heard in many quarters that the modern racing and sports/racing car is too light and too powerful, is it not tune to raise also the cry, ” Raying improves the breed ” ?
Surely the diesel engine and an engine running on the commercial grade of petrol are of more immediate interest to the motorist than today’s 100-octane fuelled devices. Certainly the diesel has some way to go before it becomes a truly satisfactory power plant for a private car. Further, as the demand for aviation kerosene increases, so the atnount of low-grade petrol to be disposed of will increase.
It was said that the 100-octane formula would ruin racing. It did nothing of the sort, and I submit that a commercial grade, diesel or multi-fuel formula would stimulate research and produce as exciting racing as we have grown used to in the last decade. I am Yours, etc.,
Yelverton. J. A. ligaru TomesoN. • •