Continued from March Issue


This company is a branch of the United States Rubber Company and makes a series Of tyres called U.S. Royal in its Edinburgh factory. The U.S. Royal 8 is a super low pressure tyre with a very wide flat tread, giving, it is claimed, silent, level riding with high in Prices: 5.20 13. £.5 3s. 64.; S.90 IS Ils. 6d.; 6.70-16, £9 12s. Od• The U.S. Royal de Luxe has an unmistakable tread pattern having seven narrow grooves round the tread with exactly 1.376 biting edges at right angles to

those. Prier,: 5.20 -II, £5, 8s. 6d.: 5.3016. 1:7 2s. Od.: 5.50-17, £.7 3s. 6d. The Traction Grip has deep shoulders and a zig-zag tread pattern with numerous small knife cuts for grip on sheet ice. Prices: 520-13, E5 8s. 64.; 5.60-15, I:6 Us. 94.


The two main Pirelli road tyres are the 337 ExtraIlex and the Speed. The Extraflex has a continuous’ notched rib pattern to give better aereleratiou and braking. The Speed has a rather unusual pattern For a high speed tyre as It is ,nitahle for speed.; of 1211 m.p.h. Priers: Ex t ra Ilex: 5.60 I 3. It:, 7..tol.: 5.2o I I. t.:5 3.90 £4 II.. Id. !,pred 3.9“ 15. to 13, il. The Cintura high ,peed tyre oil Ii d circumferential band Of e:ose-woven ia■on. lielpilot to stabili,c thc ■•:11″ under all .•onditions. The tread cNicod, to the shoulder I Pc I Ile lyri• I. ;lid cornering. Prices: 1.63-13, .£8 I,. tid. 1 or winter motoring there 1, the Dual Purpose %sill’ a chunky tread and deeply •ealloped ,houhlers which assi,t traetion

in snow. l’rices: 5.60 13, £3 IS,. 5.20 ii.. 1:5 3.on I7s. lid. The new BS :3 ha, loom lolly deseribed in Intim Scour.

This detachable tread tyre is not ■ available in .inautit■ and prices are not yet available.


This well-known remould firm have a basic range of three treads for cars. The Tyresoles Plus is a simple four groove road tread, the treatment charge varying from £2 12s. 6d. to I:6 16s. 6d. according to tyre size. The Tyresoles ± Wyresoles is the same tread but a series of steel claws are inserted into the tread to give greater traction on ice or even wet roads. This treatment costs 7s. 6d. extra over the Tyrcsoles Plus remould. For greater traction in winter the Weathersoles retread is recommended. This has the normal zig-zag tread pattern with deep shoulders for biting through mud and slash. Prices range from £3 12s. (hi. to £5 9s. 6d.


Developed from the Monza racing t y re which were used by David Roshier-J ones a.hen winning the II ill. I ,iiiilu Championship last ).Car, the Super Record is suitable for speed-, op to 150 m.p.h. and sizes are available for the majority of high perfortnance ears. Prives: 6.10 13. £11 10s. 311.: 6.00-16, £9 19s. 611. ‘rite Record is suit. ble for most I ypes of Car which can cruise al. 90 m.p.h. and is sate for maximum speed.; of 110 m.p.h. Prices: 6.40-13, £9 12s. 611.: 7.10-15, £14 8s. 911. The standard ” R tyre will fit all popu

lar saloons and n •ears. Prices: 3.20-10, 13 15s. Pd.; 6.110 16. £8 2s. lid. ‘The M S is a ci ky winter yre which is ilesigneol to give excellent grip under all eolithInnis. Prices: 3211. 1:3 1. 3.1.: 6.00 16. £11 II,. ‘Ids