Matters of the moment
I.O.M. The Isle of Man races were excellent in every way and made us realise just what we have missed since Brooklands, Donington and the Crystal Palace have been occupied,…
DUDLEY offers the following SALMSON bargains :— M.P.H. full Grand Prix San Sebastian SALM
SON, 4 speeds, close-ratio gearbox, highratio axle, roller bearing engine, tubular con. rods, recellulosed, reupholstered, new tyres and definitely indistinguishable from new, one owner only, genuine bargain, £55.
M.P.H., 1927 SALMSON super-sports 2-seater, / long-tail body, recellulosed, all chromium plated, engine rebored, gearbox renewed throughout and axle completely overhauled, 100% condition everywhere, genuine bargain, £42 10s.
XCHANGES. Belvedere Rd. Westminster, .1-1/ S.E.1. Opposite County Half. ‘Phone, Hop 1433. Open Sunday mornings.