B.A.R.C. Motor-Racing Film
The B.A.R.C. film produced by Stanley Schofield Productions and giving extracts of racing during 1954 at Goodwood, Aintree and Crystal Palace, is available to any other club which would like…
A clear, penetrating horn is an essentnl part of a sports car’s equ’pment, and the note of the new Sailor R2 is of such volume that it positively commands attent’on. In addition, the Sanor horn is a strik’ng ornament to a car’s appearance as w’ll be seen from this illustration. The model R2 has 1w ‘n chrom’um plated trumpets, with variable note, and is sold by C.H.S. Suppies Co., Ltd., 32, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.1, for the sum of £9 : 15s. : Od.