Regular readers of the magazine will recognise Finish Line, where the great and good of motor racing offer a snapshot into their lives.
The first ever in the series, from the April 2016 issue, is Gordon Murray.

Your day-to-day drive?
Smart Roadster
The best car you’ve owned?
Series 4 Lotus Elan
The one you covet most?
Lotus 11
One racing car, one circuit…
1995 McLaren F1 GTR at Le Mans
Who do you most admire?
Bob Dylan
Your best friend?
George Harrison
Your best character trait?
Attention to detail
Most prized possession?
Fender Stratocaster (from George Harrison)

Your greatest extravagance?
Classed Growth Bordeaux
Favourite place in the world?
North-west coast of Scotland
Your restaurant recommendation?
The Torridon, Torridon Hotel, Wester Ross, Scotland
The music you’re listening to?
Bob Dylan, Iris Dement, Richard Thompson
The movie you love?
Black and White Night, Roy Orbison
The last thing you read?
Island of Wings by Karin Altenberg
What are you reading now?
Reckless: My Life as a Pretender by Chrissie Hynde
The best advice you’ve been given?
Don’t say ‘No’ until you have to! – Bernie Ecclestone.